Thursday, February 24, 2011

Animal House

I don't believe that any review can do this movie justice. Don't worry, mine is not the exception. Animal House is truly the pinnacle of stupid comedy. It's the standard for which all other movies of the genre should be judged against. But what makes Animal House such a treat is not its fart jokes or physical humor; it's the fact that this is the story of college life, something that has gotten high school seniors excited and giddy for the last 3,000 years. The idea of a Toga Party, nonetheless a Toga Party on a school night, blows the mind of any college freshman heading towards their U. Just as Invincible and Friday Night Lights is a pump up movie to any athlete prepping for the big game, Animal House is the rabble rouser that psyches up college froshies.
Animal House is the story of the Delta Tau Chi house of Faber College. The Deltas are a wild bunch of misfits who believe in parties, parties, parties, drinking, girls, and parties. By far the rowdiest frat on campus, the Delta's frequently annoy Faber's head, Dean Wormer, as well as their rivals, the WASPy Omega Theta Pi house.

Like I said before, watching Animal House gets me pumped to go off to college next year. Sure, I'll get a great education that will prepare me for the professional world where I can make a bunch of money, but how often does the opportunity arise where you can stick a dead horse in the dean's office? And how many times will you go on a group date to an all black nightclub? And where else would you make the connections to be able to have Otis Day and the Knights perform in your frat basement? Come on people, managing a stock portfolio is fun, but you're never going to be able to recreate those crazy events in your office.

Not being a college grad yet, I have yet to fully understand Animal House's control over its viewers. I can only being to ponder what my four years in college will be like. I hope there is someone like Bluto (John Belushi) to guide me, socially not academically. Maybe I have the occasional affair with a teacher, maybe I join ROTC. What we must remember, however, is that this took place in the 60's. Alcohol was readily available cause the drinking age was lower. Now, obtaining alcohol is all the more challenging....which makes the payoff all the more rewarding.

Each character guides the audience through frat life. Each character holds important value in the frat house and each character makes a valiant effort towards making party life awesome. In the eyes of true movie critics, this film introduced one of the funniest men in film comedy, Belushi. It also sent hordes of middle aged men into mid life crisis's after recalling the glory days of their college careers. I know, this review didn't really tell to much about Animal House as a movie. Then again, I don't really think there is much to say about the movie's cinematic value itself. Animal House holds true to the one most important rule of films: make the audience enjoy it. Scores of viewers enjoy Animal House for all the memories it brings back and all the fantasies it sets in place.

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