Thursday, February 17, 2011


In this time of economic struggle, I found myself to be ignorant not to reviewing a movie that deals with such financial depression. Enter Newsies. Set during the Newsboy Strike of 1899 in New York City, Newsies follows the lives of young Jack Kelly (Christian Bale) and David Jacobs (David Moscow) and the obstacles they face trying to achieve fair working rights for newsboys around the city.
Christian Bale might be coming off a hot streak of great roles, The Fighter and The Dark Knight, but I consider his part in Newsies to be one of his finest. For an Englishman, he gives a hell of an American accent, and a New York one at that. But then again, Bale has never really played a character in his natural voice, except for Empire of the Sun. In The Dark Knight, he sounds like he has been battling leukemia for several years, but it is brilliant. Every actor in this movie, for that matter, gives a thick New York accent. That's not to say, however, that they are all effective. Crutchy (Marty Belafsky) has such an annoying accent that I want to jump through the screen and break his other leg. But Bale is a genius, and he can sing. When he is not busy flipping out on set and killing PA's, he actually makes some good movies

I really didn't know about Newsies until a year and a half ago, the movie at least. I had heard its music on the radio when I was little and fell in love with its sound. King of New York is by far my favorite track from the movie. Showcasing his own musical talent, Bill Pullman makes a special appearance and hums a few bars. What the film may lack in cinematic influence, it greatly makes up for with its choreography and music. Newsies is a musical before film, and it has set the standard, god I can't believe I'm saying this, for other film musicals.

Bill Pullman and Robert Duvall are two names that should have put this film on the map, but didn't. While film musical and Robert Duvall aren't two things that are usually spoken of together, Bobby gives his all in every scene. As a greedy Joseph Pulitzer, Duvall ups the acting potential in a film that really doesn't scream with acting experience. While he doesn't sing or dance, his actions convey the determination Pulitzer acted with to retain his money. Bill Pullman gets in the action to as a sympathetic journalist, trying to help the newsboy cause. His acting was substantial, but I wouldn't go as far as to say having a movie headlined with the name Pullman would be a knockout Oscar winner.

Newsies educated me. It told me that not every film is out to nab the awards or take home the gold. Some films are just made to for people to enjoy. At the end of the day, Newsies made me smile with its score and movement. I doubt, though, that the actual of Newboys of 1899 danced after every success they had. They were probably too busy mending their wounds from the merciless policemen and the spread of plague.

1 comment:

  1. This doesn't take into account the accusations by the Republican Turtles Front, which alleges that over 1.2 million turtles were killed in the making of this movie. I find it hard to understand how you can even watch a movie like this without feeling some compassion for the thoughtless massacre of such a noble specie. I will be boycotting this blog until I receive a proper apology.
