Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Creative Genius that is BC tha kid- The Social Network

From time to time, I will be posting reviews written by outside sources, mercenaries if you will. I welcome all those wishing to take part in this glorious scheme. I present you with the impeccable tastes of the Cronaj.

First off, if you do not know who Aaron Sorkin is then kill yourself. Then, research his background on IMDB or wikipedia and proceed to watch some of his works: A Few Good Men, The American President, and Charlie Wilson's War.

In case you have been living under a rock for the past year, The Social Network is a dramatic film about the creation of Facebook and the mastermind behind the Facebook empire, Mark Zuckerberg.

Sorkin beautifully crafts his screenplay as an adaptation of Ben Mezrich's book, The Accidental Billionares, which introduces the two separate lawsuits brought upon Zuckerberg after the launch of Facebook. Thus, the movies focuses on the two aspects of Facebook, playfully bouncing around from the chronological events in the Facebook timeline to the lawsuits.

Now onto the cast of The Social Network... Jesse Eisenberg stars as Zuckerberg. Many people criticize Eisenberg in his portrayal, saying that he was too neurotic, austere, snide, devious, and a more suitable synonym for asshole. Personally, I thought Eisenberg did an excellent job in his acting because he added personality to the robotic Zuckerberg. Seriously, this guy is an emotionless wet blanket. I also liked Andrew Garfield as Eduardo Saverin, Zuckerberg's friend and business associate, simply because I didn't know anything about Eduardo before the film came out and Garfield can straight up act. The only character I didn't enjoy was Justin Timberlake, frankly, because Sean Parker was not as much of a stud as Timberlake portrays him to be, but it isn't a big deal.

Overall, The Social Network was not only my favorite movie of 2010, it may be one of my favorite movies of all time. The fast paced, witty, and incredibly detailed dialogue scripted by Aaron Sorkin is just amazing. Don't listen to any of your friends when they say they didn't like The Social Network because they couldn't keep up or understand the storyline, it's bullshit. Plain and simple, the movie blew my mind the first time I saw it, then the second time, and even the third time. The Social Network isn't a movie purely about Facebook, it's the story of the greatest social networking site that singlehandedly altered our generation, and I loved every second of it.
-BC tha kid

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